Don’t stay stuck!

Heal the Hurts of Your Painful Past & Learn to Forgive Yourself…

Discover how to heal yourself when no one else can. Join my book signing event and get your FREE signed hard copy of the book “GIVE FAITH A FIGHTING CHANCE”

July 30th,2022


7 P.M.

By: Agnieszka Sycewicz


Grab your spot for $50 ONLY instead of $199 ! Get Your Tickets Today!

Let’s face it:

You’ve been hurt.

You can’t be human if you haven’t experienced emotional pain, or devastating circumstances trying to knock you down. It can be anything: your relationship, your career, something doesn’t go the way you planned…

Sometimes bigger things like a family member passing or moving on from a break-up…

No matter the size of the obstacle there is one thing in common:

It hurts.

You’re left feeling frustrated, wanting to give up.

But what you do with that hurt, that hardship is probably more important than the hurt/obstacle itself. Would you prefer to get back to being an active liver of life? Or do you prefer to ruminate endlessly about the past and something that cannot be changed?

My book GIVE FAITH A FIGHTING CHANCE holds key answers to these questions – based on my personal struggles as a teenage immigrant.

Get Your FREE Copy of GIVE FAITH A FIGHTING CHANCE by Joining Me at My Book Signing Event!

If you have faced those moments in life where you feel like you’re at your breaking point, hurting, frustrated with your back against the wall…

Please know this: You’re not alone.

Trust me, I have been there too!

But it’s important to remember that you are not defined by those moments.

Because you have the choice on how to deal with or respond to that kind of situation.

It is up to you to build and train your minds to be optimistic and unstoppable amidst trials and adversities in life.

Which is why I would like you to join me at my book signing event on July 30th,2022 where I’ll be sharing my journey with you along with many others.

You will be the first to receive the first published copy of my book



Can’t wait to see you there and share the journey with you as I’m sure after the event you will give faith a fighting chance after all.

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Agnieszka Sycewicz.

Over the years, I have transitioned from a rebellious, poor teenager from a foreign country to a notable female entrepreneur.

Before publishing this book, I often liked to quote “Give faith a fighting chance,” – which today led me to pen down a whole book.

Because it has proven true in my life again and again.

Having lived with that motto, today I am the CEO of LIONESSEMPIRE.LLC, a mobile massage company in Florida that is expanding to New York City.

I am also a sports massage therapist. And a single mother of three teenage boys.

Dreaming and striving for greatness has been a way of life for me as I took every chance that was given to me as I made it to where I am today.
So, if you’re struggling with your past and looking for a life change Give Faith a Fighting Chance is for you.
I personally invite you to join me on 30th July 2020 and embark on the journey of healing, strength, and forgiveness with me.

Here’s What is

Included in the Event

Free Signed Book



Open Bar

Now About the Pricing


This means you can book your spot at $50 instead of $199 today!